Anita Oborska-Oracz
Anita Oborska-Oracz
Studiowała rzeźbę na wydziale Sztuk Pięknych UMK w Toruniu w latach 1997-2001. Dyplom pod kierunkiem prof. Józefa Szczypki i prof. Joanny Bebarskiej (aneks - mała forma rzeźbiarska). Od 2005 roku jest pracownikiem naukowo-dydaktycznym WSzP.
Graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Diploma in 2001 in the atelier of Professor
Józef Szczypka and in the Atelier of Small Sculpted Form of Professor Joanna Bebarska. Presently employed as an assistant
in the Department of Sculpture, Faculty of Fine Arts NCU in Toruń. Artistic activities in the field of sculpture and medal engraving.
The author of 2 individual exhibitions. Participant in 3 joint exhibitions.